What do you find interesting on this web-site? Please let me know by sending me an E-mail: ot.ljostad@gmail.com

The Glommagudie, the best fishing guide in the Galaxy

My guide describes the river Glomma from Elverum to the Aursunden lake (270 kilometers) and the river Rena (30 kilometers). The 27 maps found in the guide are so detailed that you can guide yourself to the most interesting river streches  without any previous knowledge of the river. The most popular fish species are grayling,  trout, white-fish, pike, etc. The GLOMMAGUIDE have been published as a book and interactive CD-ROM.

On this web site you will find additional information. Click on PHOTOS to browse through a lot of photos, many with interesting texts in English.

Questions about fishing in the Hedmark region?
Post them in our English forum

 Write your own fishing report with pictures from your Norwegian trip

You can write your own fishing report from the rivers and lakes in the Hedmark county and have it published on this web-site. Mail your pictures and text to ot.ljostad@gmail.com 


Order the Guide and the CD-rom here

Let me introduce an idea - Just something to kick around: Maybe your stature as a flyfisher-man isn't determined by how big trout you can catch, but how small a trout you can catch without being dissapointed, and, of course, without losing the faith that there is a bigger one in there. 
John Gierach.

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v/ O.T. Ljostad
Elgveien 30
N-2406 Elverum


Mobile phone: + 47 95 99 85 57